by ArtCraft Entertainment and Travian Games
First look at the creation and destruction taking centre stage in this Throne War MMO
Release date TBD, 2017 – currently in pre-alpha testing for PC
MMO-fans rejoice: Crowfall, the popular Throne War MMORPG, will be offering an exclusive hands-on demo with a special build made for gamescom, and opportunity to interview the development team, including ArtCraft Entertainment founders J Todd Coleman and Gordon Walton. In Crowfall, thousands of players will clash in limited and finite wars of strategy and skill in the the Campaign Worlds, before returning to the player-run Eternal Kingdoms to take stock of their plunder and grow the seat of their power.
Videos, concept art and assets are available in our newsroom.
When: Tuesday 22nd, Wednesday 23rd, Thursday 24th
Where: GamesBavaria – TravianGames (Hall 3.2 – Booth C0-11/g)
by Shiro Games
First hands-on with upcoming campaign mode of Viking strategy indie hit
Available now on Early Access for PC (Steam)
Indie studio Shiro Games is back with their popular Viking strategy game Northgard, and this gamescom they will be offering an exclusive first-look of the upcoming single player campaign. Northgard successfully launched into Early Access on the 22nd of February 2017 to critical acclaim and in the first weeks after release, consistently being in top selling list on Steam. Interviews with Shiro Games co-founders Sebastien Vidal and Nicolas Cannasse are available.
Videos, concept art and assets are available in our newsroom. Preview keys are also available.
When: Tuesday 22nd, Wednesday 23rd, Thursday 24th
Where: Business France (Hall 4.1 – Booth E-013 G4)
Another Lost Phone
by Accidental Queens
Premiere of the new game from the developers of the indie hit A Normal Lost Phone
Coming to Steam, iOS and Android this Fall
Accidental Queens, the developers of the indie hit A Normal Lost Phone, will bring their new game Another Lost Phone: Laura’s Story to gamescom for first hands-on appointments. The spiritual successor to their first game touches on a new set of thought-provoking social themes, and features a completely new mystery for players to unravel, including new puzzles and a new storyline.
Videos, concept art and assets are available in our press page.
When: Tuesday 22nd, Wednesday 23rd, Thursday 24th
Where: Business France (Hall 4.1 – Booth E014 G-06)
Travian Fire and Sand
by Travian Games
Closed beta access and interviews with Travian Games
In closed beta testing for browsers
Travian: Legends is one of the most popular browser games in the world. The new Annual Special Travian: Fire and Sand, is the largest update to the game in its 14 year history, and at gamescom Travian Games will be offering exclusive access to the closed beta. As a player in TRAVIAN, you will build your own empire, recruit a mighty army, and fight with your allies for game world domination.
When: Tuesday 22nd, Wednesday 23rd, Thursday 24th
Where: GamesBavaria – TravianGames (Hall 3.2 – Booth C0-11/g)
GRAAHL: Of Feather and Grit
by Swing Swing Submarine
World premiere of new narrative strategy game by Seasons After Fall team
Developers Swing Swing Submarine (Seasons after Fall, Tetrobot and Co.) will premiere their recently announced title GRAAHL: Of Feather and Grit at gamescom. Media can have an exclusive first look of this narrative strategy game filled with sky pirates, in which you can play with one to four players while experiencing the vibrant art style of Simon “Hutt” T.
When: Tuesday 22nd, Wednesday 23rd
Where: Indie Garden Booth (B2B area, Hall 2.1, C028)
Epic Loon
by Macrales Studio
First hands-on with the surreal platformer inspired by classic sci-fi movies
Dive into the bizarre world of Epic Loon, a quirky physics platformer for up to 4 players playable in couch co-op or battle mode. An offbeat tribute to sci-fi classic movies, players lead a group of aliens to take over Joe’s TV after they are rudely awakened from their home, an old-school cleaning VHS-tape.Gamescom is the first time Epic Loon can be played.
When: Tuesday 22nd, Wednesday 23rd, Thursday 24th
Where: Indie Garden Booth (B2B area, Hall 2.1, C028)
by Piece of Cake Studios
Try the launch version of the asymmetric co-op stealth game (IndieCade Europe Award winner)
Hacktag is a fast-paced, two-player co-op stealth game deeply ingrained with asymmetric gameplay. Both players take on wildly different roles, one as an agent in the field, the other a remote hacker, and they need to communicate and work together to successfully carry out tense espionage missions. The dev team will bring exclusive news and a beta of the launch version of Hacktag to gamescom (currently in Early Access) that, for the first time, includes story missions and new mission types.
When: Tuesday 22nd, Wednesday 23rd, Thursday 24th
Where: Indie Garden Booth (B2B area, Hall 2.1, C028)
Beyond the Void
by B2expand
Upcoming Steam version of the Space MOBA with RTS elements first time playable
Mixing MOBA and RTS, players in Beyond the Void take control of a powerful Mothership, build resource gathering planets and command an armada of small units to fight it out in tense one-versus-one battles. The in-game store of this free-to-play game is powered by the innovate Blockchain technology (think a better version of Bitcoins). At gamescom the upcoming Steam Early Access version of Beyond the Void will be playable for the first time.
When: Tuesday 22nd, Wednesday 23rd, Thursday 24th
Where: Indie Garden Booth (B2B area, Hall 2.1, C028)
Skybolt Zack
by Devs Must Die
Award-winning action rhythm game premieres demo of full release version
Skybolt Zack began life as multi-award winning student prototype and at gamescom the team, Devs Must Die, will premiere a demo of the full version of this fast-paced action platformer. Like rhythm games, match the on-screen button prompts and rhythmically Rocket Punch your way from one enemy to the next, while trying to keep your combo count ticking up.
When: Tuesday 22nd, Wednesday 23rd, Thursday 24th
Where: Indie Garden Booth (B2B area, Hall 2.1, C028)